The family that plays together...
We signed Alex up for T-ball this year - play starts in May. He needed a glove, so we went shopping for that this morning. His is the black and gray one on the bottome right. And if you look to the left of that, you'll see a very pink and purple glove, smaller. And you would be right in guessing that we got that for Julia - initially so she wouldn't feel left out.
Funny thing. Bill was showing Alex how you keep your index finger out of the glove...and when we gave Julia her glove to try on at the store, her tiny little index finger was poking out too.
And Bill figured he needed a glove, because he hasn't had a glove since he was twelve, and this way he can play catch with Alex and really show him how to catch with the glove, etc. His glove is the one above Julia's. And then I was feeling left out (never mind Julia - what about ME??) and so I got one as well, since my old glove upstairs is also a relic from when I was around 12 or so, too. Mine's pink and black... both serious and girly at the same time, I suppose.
They're pretty supple as-is, but they still need some breaking in.
We also got Alex a batting tee so he can get used to that as well.
Meanwhile, Julia was waiting her turn...
To be continued....
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