No, I am nowhere NEAR a store with fabulous savings on gift ideas galore.
I am home.
Where I am happiest.
It's pouring rain out. I just made sourdough pancakes for breakfast (half plain, half blueberry) and made a blueberry syrup because I ran out of maple. So everyone's fed.
I've got dough rising so I can bake 4 loaves of bread later.
I've got lots to do today, so for now, I'm just posting a few pictures from the rest of Thankgsgiving day.
I hope you who celebrated it, too, had a warm and cozy time with family and/or friends.
So, yesterday afternoon.
First, we stopped at my sister's house to see the newest members of the coop.
There are three new girls, to keep Large Marge and Gloria company.
In the above picture you can see three new speckled-looking hens. The first one is a Bard Rock or Plymouth Rock. She's going to give Large Marge a bit of a battle in the Who's The Boss Hen department.
Next (going left to right) is a Hamburg.
And the one behind Marge and Gloria is a Silver Wyandotte (also no name), and I think she's my favorite, as far as markings go.
They've also got the coop now. Before they had a small, temporary one, but the new one is basically a chicken mansion, with plenty of room for these girls and guests, if they want to invite friends over for a night of cracked corn and mani-pedis. (Or beaki-talonis, maybe.)
Here's a view from inside the coop, looking out into the run...
Well, okay, I'm sure the view's better if you're chicken-height.
Anyway, we didn't go into the run yesterday because we were actually heading to Mom and Dad's for dinner and we didn't want to be stepping in chicken poop. But next time, I plan on going in so I can do better chicken portraits.
Oh, and Gloria has been laying eggs! So at this point Marge and possibly one of the others and Gloria are laying.
Gloria's eggs are so small - bantam-sized. And they're mostly yolk. Here are two of Gloria's eggs alongside 3 from Marge and possibly one of the other hens.
After admiring the hens (and Alex going on about how yummy they looked), we headed over to my parents' house for dinner.
My name is Jennifer Wright and I run PaganPages EMagazine at We are a free to the community magazine that has been publishing on line for several years now and have a fairly large fan base.
While surfing the net I came across your blog and I think you would be a wonderful columnist and addition to our family. If this is something you may be interested in, please, write me at [email protected]
Much Love,
Jennifer Wright
Posted by: Jennifer Wright | December 01, 2009 at 06:27 AM