This post is part of an ongoing series about Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, WA, written (well, dictated – I did the typing) and photographed by my 8-year-old son, Alex. If you’ve missed any of the previous posts, links to those parts are at the end of this post.
This animal is the starting of part 8.
Now we are in the reptile house. This reptile is a type of snake. It’s called a Gray-Banded King Snake. You can’t see its head, though, in the picture.
The Gray-banded king snake eats lizards and different kinds of rodents. It is not poisonous.
These are the Rhinoceros Iguanas. They’re one of the largest lizards alive today. I think they might be the third largest, right after the Komodo Dragon and the Monitor Lizard.
Rhinoceros Iguanas are just like regular Iguanas except they’re bigger, and they look different. And they’ll eat bigger prey. They are omnivores, like the Grizzly Bear. They’ll eat fruits, vegetables, and if they can’t find any of that, then they’ll go after some meat, and if they can’t find meat, then they’ll go after some tree leaves.
Adults weigh around ten to twenty pounds and can be two to four and a half feet long. That’s about as tall as I am. Four and a half feet, not two feet.
This is the Dwarf Crocodile. This reptile is a carnivore, not an omnivore. It eats anything that crosses by the water. This male is six feet, three inches long and weighs 175 pounds, which is very big for a dwarf crocodile because usually they’re around five feet.
Dwarf crocodiles can live from fifty to a hundred years!
Now we’re at the tigers. Sorry you can only see its ear, but it’s sleeping. Tigers eat meat and are one of the largest carnivores on land, AND they’re the largest cat. Tigers are extremely fast. This is a Sumatran tiger. They are usually orange and black but sometimes they could be black and white.
Now we have reached the beautiful creature known as the Jaguar. This one is sleeping in its little cave thing that’s part of its huge habitat at the zoo. Adult males can weigh up to nearly 350 pounds! But still, it’s not as large as a tiger.
This is the pretty face of the jaguar. The jaguar will eat tapirs, monkeys, possibly some small snakes, lizards and anteaters. Usually anything they can hunt down.
That’s it for Part 8!
Part 1 – Some Animals of the African Savanna
Part 2 – More of the African Savanna, and an Indian Elephant
Part 3 – Parts of Asia and the Raptor Center
Part 4 – Raptor Center, Komodo Dragons, Fruit Bats and Meerkats
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